Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Merry Christmas

With Christmas Nails and The Christmas iPhone cover

Hello everyone, plan to write a post about Christmas on Christmas. HAHAHA. My day was great, happy, and blissful. Today i was supposed to go to my friend's house (best friend), he'd cook for me, but i rejected him, because i want to spend this meaningful day with my family (my mom). So ya, today i went to 1 Utama with mama. I'm not a good girl, because few days ago, i made my iPad screen cracked. The reason is because i was in bad temper, i threw my iPhone on my bed, and i didn't think of iPad was on my bed .. too. So, it cracked. I have another Christmas present ... is another new iPad. But i made my mom used money to buy another one. I'm kind of bad girl.

Merry Christmas hehehehehe jingle bell :p ! My friend told me, today actually is Single bell ! I was like ''dahell'' hahahaha, single is not that bad isn't it ? Hmmmm, i just wonder, why my brother always ask me ''Jie, why you don't have a boyfriend ?'' ... People, does it necessary ? Oh Come on ! Why must i have a boyfriend ? And also, no people have a thing on me either hahahahahaha. Christmas, another day to remind people we all should / must appreciate people around us, family, friends, haters, and ... etc ... everything ... I really appreciate people ... I think i have mentioned that one of my friend left me, i think i can understand the reason he left. I'm not going to make him stay for me either, maybe by the time he's ready to be friend again, he'd come to me ? That's what i think ...

Gadgets on my bed *messy*

I love Christmas, i really love today. In future, i hope that i could spend this meaningful day with people i love, people love me, people do not leave me. Just now when i almost fell asleep on bed, i had a thought ... That is ... I don't need a prince, but i need someone who'd make me a princess from a queen. Before i found this man in my life, i play my role as a queen, because i not going to do whatever people want me to do, i have my own life, own choice, own decision. I'm so grateful that my parents do not interfere on what i want to study. And especially my mom, she got my back always, no matter what i did wrong, she told me to do the right things. My mom is like my ... spirit, i might not be a good girl as i spent a lot of money, but i really love my mom a lot. I will make my mom proud one day ... one day ...

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